IFG Life Has Paid Claims To Former Jiwasraya Customers Of IDR 8.4 Trillion

JAKARTA - PT Asuransi Jiwa IFG (IFG Life) said that it had paid claim benefits of Rp. 8.4 trillion to customers of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya or Jiwasraya.

IFG Life President Director Hexana Tri Sasongko said the payment of the claim benefits was a realization until June 2023.

He said this payment was the company's commitment after being appointed to save Jiwasraya.

"As of June 2023, it is evidence that those who have moved have received the benefits of accumulated IFG Life to pay the benefits of Rp. 8.4 trillion," he said at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, September 18.

Still, Hexana said, until June 2023 the policy transfer had been carried out was IDR 30.96 trillion or 81 percent of liabilities.

"So all policies that move to IFG Life have obtained their rights in accordance with the restructuring scheme signed by both parties," he explained.

Currently, he continued, there are still as many as IDR 7.44 trillion policies that have not been transferred to IFG Life.

"There is still Rp7.44 trillion that must be completed to complete so that all policies can be transferred to IFG Life. And continued policy management and payment of benefits," said Hexana.

In a limited coordination meeting some time ago, his party was assigned to offer restructuring to former Jiwasraya customers.

Of the initial liabilities value of IDR 38.4 trillion, Hexana said only 0.4 percent of customers refused to be transferred to IFG Life.

"The reports we obtained, until last week almost Rp200 billion, stated that they agreed to participate in the new restructuring," he explained.