DKI DPRD Receives Complaints From Tanah Abang Traders, Sells It Quietly Due To TikTok Shop

BOGOR - Secretary of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Wa Ode Herlina, admitted that he received complaints from Tanah Abang Market traders. The traders' income has decreased due to the massive online shopping platform, especially TikTok Shop.

This was conveyed by Wa Ode in a working meeting of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD with the BUMD ranks who discussed the Raperda on Amendments to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Budget for Fiscal Year 2023.

"This is about TikTok Shop. I often talk to friends in Tanah Abang. They said, 'Mother, it's really difficult now, you know, since there was a TikTok Shop'," said Wa Ode at Grand Cempaka Resort & Convention, Bogor, West Java, Friday, September 15.

To the Assistant for the Economy of the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Sri Haryati who was also present at the meeting, Wa Ode asked for special regulations that could support the income of MSME actors who were still selling conventionally.

"They now say it's quiet because those who come for direct shopping. If they can, these really have fences, that's our policy. We have to protect local MSMEs, how to make them exist," he said.

In this regard, some time ago the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki opened a discourse to design electronic trade arrangements to limit the entry of imported products in online stores, including TikTok Shop.

In this case, he reflected on India and the United States (US) who dared to ban TikTok operations.

"Regarding electronic trade arrangements, I think it is urgent for us to arrange them immediately. Today, online sales (online) have been controlled by foreign products," said Minister Teten in a Working Meeting with the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM, and Commission VI of the DPR in Jakarta, quoted Tuesday, September 5.

"India also dares to reject TikTok, that America also prohibits TikTok, for example, sales are permissible, but it cannot be combined with social media," he added.

Teten assessed that people who shop online have been influenced by the discussion on social media itself.

"People shopping online are navigated by conversations on social media. Here's one, let alone payment of the system (payment system) later together, this is again proposed. Financing all, logistics, yes, all of them, this is called a monopoly," he said.

Due to this condition, Teten directly proposed to the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia to tighten the rules regarding the Classification of the Indonesian Business Field Baku (KBLI) 63121 articles regarding the web issue for commercial purposes to 4 or 5 KBLI.

Including, among other things, so that social commerce cannot sell imported products directly, aka cross borders, especially through social media, non-commercial platforms.

Responding to the proposal, Bahlil, who was also present at the DPR, claimed that his party had closed the permit to import goods directly from e-commerce, aka cross-border trading.

This was done in response to the flood of imported products in e-commerce and social commerce.

Bahlil said the instructions had been conveyed to the relevant deputies even though the regulations involved the ban.

The regulation in question is the revision of Permendag Number 50 of 2020 concerning Trade Through Electronic Systems (PMSE) which has not been completed until now.

"So, Mr. Teten yesterday I (opened the import permit) I apologize, without any rules I have ordered my deputy, lock it, that the permit at the KBLI e-commerce that came was not registered first, just played with the sale," he said.

According to Bahlil, this step has become the strategy of global big players who are the producers behind the sale of cheap imported goods in online stores.

After MSMEs fall, then they increase their selling price.

"So, their strategy is to give them the bankruptcy first, collapse Indonesia's MSMEs first, then they play a bigger size, then the price is raised. I think, in an unofficial forum, we will open the character later," he said.