Police Don't Know The Motive For The Murder Of A Man Found Dead With A Knife Still Stuck In The Chest

Investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tamansari Metro Police have not been able to conclude the exact cause of the death of a young man with the initials IK (19) who was covered in blood in the boarding house on Jalan Kebon Jeruk V, Tamansari District, West Jakarta.
Although the victim when found was still stuck with a sharp weapon in his chest, the police have not provided an official statement regarding the cause of death of the victim.
"We are still waiting for the results of the post-mortem for the corpse which is planned to come out on Tuesday, September 12, tomorrow," said Tamansari Police Chief, Kompol Adhie Wananda when contacted by VOI, Monday, September 11.
The police have also not been able to conclude the motive for the discovery of the dead man covered in blood.
"Please, for time to update developments," he said.
Previously, the Tamansari Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit had examined a number of witnesses related to the incident.
"There have been 5 witnesses being examined," he said.
Kompol Adhi said the discovery of the body of a man with the initials IK began with a resident's report to the police that there was a victim covered in blood at the hospital. After being traced, it turned out that the victim was found covered in blood from his boarding house.