Parents Must Know, 6 Causes of Circles Under the Eyes in Children

YOGYAKARTA – Circles under the eyes in children are common. It can be brown, purple, or blue. The color depends on skin color. Medically, it is called periorbital hyperpigmentation. Usually there is no need to worry, but it depends on what the cause is. If you have identified the cause of circles under the eyes in children, then parents can help them lead a healthy lifestyle. The following is an explanation of the cause.

1. Genetics

For some people, under-eye circles are irresistible. This occurs due to skin development. This periorbital hyperpigmentation can be hereditary in some people. However, until now there has been no research on the specific gene responsible for this condition. Studies show that circles under the eyes are caused by thinner skin in that area so they appear darker in color.

2. Lack of sleep

Although there is no clinical evidence that lack of sleep can cause dark circles. But fatigue may cause puffy eyes that can create shadows under the eyes, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Illustration of the causes of circles under the eyes in children (Freepik)

In children, they need more sleep than adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that children aged 1-2 years get 11-14 hours of sleep. When they are 6-12, they need 9-12 hours of sleep. Then for children aged 13-18 years, they need 8-10 hours of sleep. Other signs that follow when dark circles appear under the eyes include fatigue, irritability and difficulty concentrating.

3. Dehydration

Dehydration is a potential cause of dark circles under the eyes, according to research reported by Medical News Today, Sunday, September 10. The reason is, when the skin is moist enough, the contours of the eye sockets are less visible. On the other hand, dehydration causes the eyes to become slightly sunken, making dark circles look darker.

4. Allergies

Allergies can cause chronic dark circles, which some people call allergic shine. If allergies cause dark circles, additional symptoms may be experienced. Such as a blocked or runny nose, itchy or swollen eyes, and sneezing.

Illustration of the causes of circles under the eyes in children (Freepik)

5. Sun exposure

Exposure to UV rays can cause the skin to produce more melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. This can change a child's skin and make pre-existing dark circles more visible.

6. Lack of nutrition

Research in 2019 states that inadequate nutrition can also cause dark circles under the eyes in children. If a child eats limited amounts of food, follows a plant-based or vegan diet, and has other symptoms that indicate nutritional deficiencies, parents should consult a pediatrician.

Even though they are disturbing in appearance, dark circles under the eyes do not always require treatment. When they are older, children may naturally not experience dark circles under the eyes. However, if these signs get worse and are accompanied by other symptoms that require medical attention, then immediately consult a medical service.