Avoid Fires, Lebak Local Government Urges Residents Not To Burn Garbage Carelessly
The province of Banten urges residents in this area not to burn garbage carelessly in order to prevent fire from settlements and forestry areas. "We hope that residents can prevent the current drought from causing fires," said Head of the Lebak Dartim District Police and Fire Unit in Lebak, Saturday, September 9. The Lebak Regency Government continues to optimize socialization to the community in order to prevent settlement and forestry and agricultural areas from setting fire, especially facing the dry season of El Nino's impact. The potential for fires is quite high during the dry season, so that people prevent and overcome it so that fires do not occur. So far, cases of fires in Lebak Regency from January to August 2023 were above 50 cases with material losses of Rp. 2.6 billion and reportedly one person died.
The case of the fire that occurred, he said, was mostly housing, places of worship, Islamic boarding schools and forestry and agricultural land. "We, the community, can participate in preventing residential fires by not burning garbage in any place," said Dartim.
Therefore, the public should pay attention to the condition of the power cable network so that there is no short circuit. In addition, people also do not burn garbage carelessly because it can cause residential fires. "We are more organic waste buried and non-organic waste is accommodated to stalls - stalls selling used goods," he explained. Fuad, a resident of Kalanganyar, Lebak Regency, said that he is now rebuilding his burning Islamic boarding school as many as 8 rooms were sold out by red roosters in mid-August 2023. "We are more vigilant to prevent fires by prohibiting students from burning garbage as well as maintaining the installation of electrical cables," he said.