ASEAN + Youth Summit 2023, Bima Arya Explains Changes In Bogor City

BOGOR - Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya became a resource person on Global Wellbeing Accord: Advancing the Pursuits of Health Resilience Through Foreign Policy.

This event is part of the ASEAN + Youth Summit 2023 which was held at the Jakarta Concert Hall, iNews Tower, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta.

"I am happy to be here to discuss the city problems we met in Bogor City, as well as the strategies and lessons we have received on our way to Bogor City which are healthier for its citizens," said Bima Arya.

Bima Arya said that Bogor City has several more or less similar problems, such as air pollution, lack of space for pedestrians, unequal access to services, the threat of climate change and of course a pandemic. In his opinion, overcoming this problem is not easy, but it must be done for the sake of improving the quality of life of the people, especially the younger generation.

"We believe that with the collaboration that was built between the government, communities, business circles, and all of you, we can bring positive changes," he said.

He explained that access to Bogor City health services has expanded health facilities (RSUD) to ensure everyone has access to quality health services. New health centers have also been built at a number of points to ensure everyone has the same access to health facilities.

In green open spaces, he continued, his party prioritizes the construction of parks and recreation areas to support the mental and physical health of residents. More than 15 hectares of new green open space, both on the city scale and on the RT/RW scale, have been successfully built.

Not only focusing on parks, the Bogor City Government (Pemkot) also planted new trees in a number of areas, both in parks, in the middle of roads and roadside to create green canopys throughout the city.

"For example, to green the village area, we encourage Urban Farming to fulfill personal needs and also a healthier environment. There are about 500 Women Farmer Groups (KWT) that stand throughout the city and in almost all areas," he explained.

He explained, for healthier mobilization, his party also encouraged residents to walk and cycle by providing pedestrian areas and bicycle lanes and successfully building 30 kilometers of pedestrian areas in the city area over the past nine years. The pedestrian area and open space built are now favorite areas for residents to run and exercise.

"We also build sports arenas in each sub-district, not only in the city center. At least 1 hectare in each sub-district," he said.

In the transportation system, Bima Arya said, in Bogor City there are Bis Kita as an effort to reduce congestion and pollution. Through the conversion program of three angkots into one bus. So far, there have been 49 buses with a cargo percentage of more than 75 percent.

Meanwhile, in the renewable energy program through electric vehicles, Bogor City already has 15 charging stations to encourage the use of renewable energy.

"In order to realize the affordable healthy settlements, we renovated thousands of houses to improve the living feasibility condition for people in need. This year we will renovate four thousand RTLH with a nominal value of Rp. 20 million per unit," he said.

Not only that, he explained, in waste management there is a waste recycling and reduction program, namely BOTAK (No Plastic Bogor) is carried out as an effort to keep the environment clean and green. Through the BOTAK program in Bogor City, it prohibits the use of plastic bags in supermarkets and traditional markets.

In addition, his party built TPS3R in residential areas in collaboration with Plustik to recycle waste into paving blocks and collaborate with Indosat to launch a Reverse Vending Machine, which is that collecting plastic bottle waste can be exchanged for credit.

"We also manage waste through a collaboration approach with a community called the Ciliwung Task Force. Through a tireless effort, the Adipura Cup has finally been achieved again by Bogor City after 17 years," he said.

The mayor said that his party also increased concern about smoking stops. It is proven that Bogor City has become a pilot city for smoking-free cities and is hosting a world conference, namely APCAT to share experiences for cities in the world in an effort to reduce cigarette smoke.

"In the field of education, we ensure equal education for all residents by building a one-stop school (SATAP). This is to ensure that the zoning system can be applied fairly," he explained.

The Bogor City Government also supports the development of MSMEs through the development of culinary areas in a number of residential areas and building digital marketplaces specifically aimed at MSMEs, such as Bogor Hitz and Kujang Fresh.

"We also introduce the Local Pride program which requires ASN within the Bogor City Government to use local products every Tuesday," he said.

Finally, Bima Arya said, his party also cares about mental health. The Bogor City Government has a vented car that offers solutions for residents who experience stress complaints and provides social assistance to support vulnerable populations, offers assistance to low-income families, the elderly and people with disabilities through the JAGA ASA program.

"Creating a healthy city is a long-term effort that involves all parties. We must consider social, economic, environmental and cultural factors to build an urban environment for the younger generation. Together we can make a positive impact on our beloved city and inspire other cities around the world. Thank you for the commitment to a healthier and happier future," he said.