Leaving The Coalition For Change, Democratic Party Opens Opportunities For The Form Of A New Axis

JAKARTA - The Democratic Party opens up opportunities for the formation of a new post-stop axis from the Coalition for Change and Unity (KPP).

The Head of BPOKK of the Democratic Party, Herman Khaeron, said that it is possible that there will be a new axis because the political dynamics ahead of the registration of presidential candidate pairs and vice presidential candidates are still very dynamic. "However, Herman admitted that Democrats do not yet have plans to build a new coalition with other political parties, for example with PPP and PKS. What is clear, he said, is that there are already axes of Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto to consider if his party wants to join other coalitions. "This is my thought, it could happen because of political dynamics. The new axis wants anyone the possibility to happen. What is certain is that there are two axes, Ganjar and Prabowo, if this is already forgotten," he explained. "We'll just have to wait. As soon as the Upper House of Democrats decides there must be a reasoning-resoning, there are reasons why it should be in coalition with a coalition or coalition b," he continued.

Herman then spoke about the opportunity for the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and PDIP Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri to meet. He revealed that communication between the Democratic Party and the PDIP continues.

"The communication (Mega and SBY), is still being carried out, communication is at several levels and it is still communicating and hopefully in the end it will not be because of the wishes of the Democrats," said Herman.

"But God has predicted that there is a meeting that leads to a coalition that really has a vision and mission and I think it upholds ethics," he added While questioning the active ministers in the cabinet of the Jokowi government who lobbied Democrats to build a new coalition with PKS and PPP was Menparekraf, Sandiaga Uno, Herman was reluctant to comment much. Although it did not justify, Herman's answer led to that name. "Preformlessly I don't know," he said.

Previously, Chairman of the High Council of the Democratic Party Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) said there was an active minister in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet led by Joko Widodo to open political communication to the Democratic Party. Communications are carried out to invite the formation of a new coalition axis.

"The minister is still active from the cabinet of work led by President Jokowi intensively lobbying, including the Democratic Party by offering to invite a new coalition," SBY told reporters at Puri Cikeas, Bogor, West Java, Friday, September 1, 2023.

SBY said the minister also admitted that the initiative to form a new coalition camp with the Democrats, PKS, and PPP with the knowledge of the 'Mr. Lurah'. However, he did not mention who the 'Mr. Lurah' figure was.

"The person concerned said that what was conveyed was that this initiative was known to the Lurah. The minister said, not my words. The words concerned," he said.