Gokil! Powerwolf Makes History Appear At Metal Festival Using Augmented Reality Technology

JAKARTA - Powerwolf made history as the first band to use augmented reality during their performances at a music festival.

The German power metal band is working with ARTE Concert and 0221 Mediaagentur to use video game technology to create giant wolves on stage in real-time.

This happened during their set at this year's edition of the Summer Breeze festival on August 18 in Bavaria, Germany.

Both spectators and audiences of festival live broadcasts can see giant wolves climb and appear threatening on stage created with augmented reality.

The wolf appeared in four of the 17 sets of Powerwolf songs, during Incense & Iron, Amen & Attack, Beast Of Gevaudan, and Resurrection By Direction.

In addition to wolves, the band also held the biggest pyro performances throughout the festival and featured a number of actors on stage and massive fireworks performances.

Powerwolf's dedication to their work is the reason why Powerwolf is the most active and successful artist in Germany today.