Ganjar Explains Jokowi's Meaning Of Giving Jempol To Himself With Prabowo In Pekalongan

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo explained the intention of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) when giving a thumbs up to himself and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, on the sidelines of his visit in Pekalongan, Central Java.

The unique incident occurred when Ganjar and Prabowo accompanied Jokowi who visited Grogolan Market in Pekalongan to check the prices of basic necessities on Wednesday (30/8).

"Mr. Jokowi, everyone is given a thumbs up. He is good, meaning the public is happy to see me, there is Mr. Prabowo, (so) he is led," said Ganjar when met at the State Palace, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 31.

According to Ganjar, Jokowi's gesture who pointed to him and Prabowo then gave a thumbs up that seemed good and did not have any specific purpose at all.

"It's not like the one that's busy on social media. We can create something peaceful and cool," said Ganjar.

Ganjar is known to be a presidential candidate promoted by the PDI-P and PPP, while Prabowo is promoted by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition consisting of Gerindra parties, PKB, Golkar Party, PAN, and PBB.

Previously on a separate occasion, President Jokowi evaded answering when asked about the thumbs up mark he gave to Ganjar and Prabowo.

"Yes, it's okay together. I have a thumbs up to have a finger. You are a little (considered) a code," said Jokowi, joking with reporters.