Polda Metro Jaya Check Victims Of Harassment Of Miss Universe Indonesia's Naked Photos

Investigators from the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police are said to have examined several victims of alleged sexual harassment by the Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 event committee.

The examination was a step by investigators after the case went up to the investigation stage.

"Today we were summoned from the victim by PPA investigators, related to the examination of information from the victim," said the victim's attorney, Mellisa Anggraini when confirmed, Tuesday, August 29.

Mellisa explained that four victims were being questioned by investigators. In addition, there were also several witnesses who were also examined

"Today there are also 3 or 4 victims, I just got the information, there are also witnesses who today provide information," said Mellisa.

The process of examining the victims was said not only today. Mellisa said several of her clients had been scheduled to provide information on Wednesday, August 30.

"In the past two days, all victims who conveyed information during the investigation process," said Melisa.

Polda Metro Jaya raised the case of alleged sexual harassment at the Miss Universe Indonesia beauty pageant to the investigation stage. This event was held by PT CSK as the Event Organizer (EO).

"A case has been held to raise it to an investigation process," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko.

The alleged harassment case that occurred on August 1, has been reported and registered with the number LP/B/4598/VII/2023 SPKT POLDA METRO JAYA.

In the report, the reported party who is the organizer is suspected of violating Article 4, 5, 6, 14, 15 of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence.