Bengkulu Police Design SOPs To Anticipate Forest And Land Fires

BENGKULU - The Bengkulu Regional Police (Polda) and related parties designed the SOP (Standart Operating Procedure) to anticipate and handle forest and land fires in the area.

The relevant agencies involved in the preparation of the SOP were the Bengkulu Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Korem Bengkulu, the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) and others.

"We gathered to anticipate forest fires by making SOPs in anticipation of the occurrence of forest and land fires in Bengkulu Province," said Bengkulu Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Agus Salim as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 29.

With the SOP of forest and land fires, the Regional Police and related parties will conduct socialization to the community regarding their experience in dealing with forest and land fires in Bengkulu.

This is done so that people understand and understand in dealing with and controlling the situation in the event of forest and land fires in Bengkulu province.

"For the cause of forest and land fires in Bengkulu Province, there are several factors such as hot weather, lack of rainfall, wet areas that have the potential for fire and land clearing by burning," explained Agus.

Meanwhile, Head of BMKG Fatmawati Bengkulu Meteorological Station Tri Widiarto explained that 10 districts and cities in Bengkulu have the potential for forest and land fires, especially in Seluma Regency and Kaur Regency.

This is because Bengkulu is a coastal area with oil palm plantation land.