Sexual Violence By Religious Leaders Is Not A Coincidence, But A Crime Planned
Religious leaders are people whose personal qualities are trusted and given a special task to lead religious communities. Because they are considered to have higher knowledge, this religious leader is so respected by many people.
But unfortunately respect for religious leaders is often used in the wrong direction. There are countless cases of sexual violence that the perpetrators are religious leaders, people who are considered to have high integrity.
Cases of sexual violence perpetrated by teachers and religious leaders are often difficult to uncover. In fact, it is not uncommon for cases of sexual violence to occur over the years. The victim was silent, so that the perpetrator could do his actions repeatedly without fear of sin.
Talking about sexual violence in educational circles is endless. The Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI) released data on sexual violence in educational units from January to April 2023. It is known that there are 15 cases of sexual violence both in schools and Islamic boarding schools.
FSGI found that 46.67% of cases of sexual violence during January-April 2023 occurred at the SD/MI level, 13.33% at the junior high school level, 7.67% occurred in SMK. What surprised the Islamic boarding school became the highest place for sexual violence, namely 33.33%. Of these 15 cases, 46.67% of education units were under the authority of the Ministry of Religion and 53.33% under the authority of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The perpetrators of sexual violence in the educational unit environment are 15 people, all male. As for the status of the perpetrators, namely the leadership and caregivers of the boarding school, there are 33.33%; teachers or ustad there are 40%; school principals as many as 20% and school guards only 6.67%. The total number of victims is 124 children, both men and women," said Retno Listyarti, Chairman of the FSGI Expert Council in an official statement on May 2.
Not long ago, the ranks of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cianjur Police arrested MI, the owner of one of the Islamic boarding schools (ponpes) to Takokak District, Cianjur Regency, West Java in mid-August. MI is suspected of harassment a number of underage female students. The harassment case was carried out by the head of the Islamic boarding school in Cianjur under the pretext of treatment and scientific transfer.
The case of sexual abuse at the boarding school also occurred in East Lombok, East Nusa Tenggara. The head of the boarding school with the initials LM also tricked the students into serving him. LM assured the victim that he would go to heaven and said the act was carried out with the blessing of the prophet.
From the two cases above, a common thread can be drawn that the perpetrator who incidentally is a teacher or religious leader who is highly respected to lure his victim with the same thing: transfer of knowledge and heaven. Anyway, rejecting the teacher's invitation is considered to have committed a big sin.
The tendency to use religious dodomma in order to fulfill the satisfaction of teachers or religious leaders seems to have occurred in Indonesia. Dogma is the main teaching of religion that must be accepted and should not be denied or doubted.
One of the dogma that is often used is the order to obey older people, especially teachers. In fact, it is not uncommon for teachers or religious leaders to be described as an extension of God's hand. It is not uncommon for people to use religious dogma as legitimacy so that children obey.
Sexual violence cases do not only occur in Islamic boarding schools. In February 2023, the Independent Commission for the Study of Child Sexual Harassment in the Catholic Church in Portugal released a final report that ratified the testimony of sexual harassment cases between 1950 and 2022, highlighting more than 4,800 victims.
Quoted by Qualitative Criminology, sexual harassment in a diversity has been the focus of coverage of various media for nearly 50 years. However, the topic has received renewed attention over the past two decades with shocking reports of widespread sexual harassment and cover-up efforts within the Roman Catholic Church, as described in detail by The Boston Globe.
The story of this innovative news report later became the focus of the filmSpotlight in 2015 which calmed the Academy Award's best film category. Based on the investigations, it was found that around 16,000 victims involved 3,700 Roman Catholic leaders. The Roman Catholic Church has also reportedly paid more than $3 billion for victims' communications.
Cases of sexual violence committed by religious leaders are difficult to uncover. The victim was forced to remain silent, even though the incident was carried out for a long time. One of the factors causing this is the position of religious leaders who are so sacred and respected by the community. This was conveyed by Sociologist Airlangga University Bagong Suyanto when responding to cases of sexual violence committed by religious leaders.
Posisi pemimpin agama yang disaksalkan membuat orang tidak suspicious. Merekakan tokoh-sepak yang dihormati. Status sosialnya sebagai sosok yang dihormati menjadi kambulan untuk memutupi behaviornya," kata Bagong.
Furthermore, sexual harassment by a church leader is not something that happens suddenly. On the other hand, in many cases this is planned or thought carefully and progressively, as quoted by Inspired Walk.
Still from the same source, one of the reasons why sexual violence is perpetrated by religious leaders, in this case pastor, is because of a sense of pride in him. When a person learns the life or behavior of many church leaders before the disclosure of sexual abuse, there are always traces of arrogance and arrogance that preced the disclosure of the sins of the leader.
"Narsism and arrogance are among the greatest snares of church leaders and this ultimately blinds a leader to believe he is above God's moral law," wrote Inspired Walk.