Gibran Almost Wears PSI Jacket, Giring Apologizes For Evaluation

JAKARTA - PSI General Chairperson (Ketum) Giring Ganesha apologized to the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming, regarding the occurrence of wearing a jacket during PSI's National Land Coffee (Kopdarnas) yesterday.

Giring conveyed this guilt through his Twitter account. He said the incident was a direct reflex of PSI cadres considering the figure who was admired was in sight.

"I'm sorry, Wali @gibran_tweets for the inconvenience caused by this incident. All because of the extraordinary spontaneity and love of PSI cadres for Mas Wali," Giring tweeted on his Twitter account, @Giring_Ganesha, Wednesday, August 23.

Giring admitted that he would provide notes to PSI cadres so that similar incidents do not happen again.

"We will increase discipline to our cadre cadres so that this incident does not happen again in the future," he said.