Review The Possibility Of Additional Conversion Motor Incentives, Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources: More Attractive

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is still reviewing the possibility of adding additional incentives for converting electric vehicles from the original Rp7 million.

The Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, said that his party was indeed reviewing the addition so that it could attract the public even more to convert.

"We are trying to be more interesting, of course, the more happy. We will see with this pollution, we encourage this. What we think is that it will certainly be more attractive to the community," said Yudo, quoted on Monday, August 21.

The discourse of increasing this incentive was previously stated by the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, who said that the government plans to increase the incentive to IDR 10 million per unit.

Unlike Ridwan Kamil, who said the nominal increase, Yudo has not provided a leak of how much increase will be considered by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Yuda also stated that he was optimistic about the target of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding 50,000 motorbikes which were converted by the end of 2023.

Because of the big project, Yudo continued, the Government is also preparing a value chain so that the conversion target can be achieved.

"The road realization continues because this is a big program, we are still handling all kinds of value chains. But the target is still quite sure," Yudo continued.

He admitted that his party would continue to accelerate one of them by reviewing the requirements for receiving incentives and adding incentives.

According to him, this acceleration will continue to be increased in the second quarter of this year.

"We will make efforts to accelerate. We will boost in the second quarter," concluded Yudo.