Maqdir Ismail Calls Rp27 Billion Money Handed Over To Irwan Hermawan's AGO

JAKARTA - Maqdir Ismail's senior lawyer stated that the Rp27 billion that was handed over by his party to the Attorney General's Office investigators some time ago was money belonging to his client Irwan Hermawan, a suspect in the alleged corruption crime of the BTS 4G Kominfo construction project.

"(The money) belongs to Irwan because we got it from the person who said this was for Irwan's benefit," he said at the Roundabout building as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 18.

This was conveyed by Maq in a series of examinations for approximately six hours at the Round Building, Attorney General's Office, Jakarta.

Maqdir explained that he and two of his members (Andika and Dasril) as legal advisers, Irwan, were summoned to be confirmed regarding the money that had been handed over to investigators worth US $ 1.8 million or the equivalent of around Rp. 27 billion (exchange rate of Rp. 15 thousand per US dollar).

During the examination, investigators asked Maqdir to explain the Rp27 billion that was handed over to investigators regarding the alleged corruption case of the 4G Kominfo BTS project which cost the state finances Rp8.32 trillion.

"We have explained that this money is for Irwan's benefit and Irwan was summoned to be asked and Irwan confirmed that the money was for his benefit," said Maqdir.

During the examination, Maqdir was met with his client Irwan Hermawan. They both conveyed the money handed over to investigators for the benefit of their clients in dealing with legal problems.

"(This money) Irwan's interest is that he has an obligation later regarding the money he has received. Well, that's about 27 (Rp27 billion) which is part of Irwan's money to reduce the replacement money later," said Maqdir.

Regarding where the source of the money came from, whether it belonged to Irwan Hermawan or someone else who gave it, Maqdir emphasized that his party only knew that the money belonged to his client and for the benefit of his client.

"I don't know (who gave it), I only know this is for Pak Irwan's benefit. This belongs to Irwan because it was given to us in the name of Irwan," he said.

Regarding the initials S revealed by the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) as the money giver, Maqdir admitted that he did not know and the initials were not from his statement.

"There are people who help Irwan, not directly from Irwan, but this will be Irwan's direct responsibility," added Maqdir.

The Head of the Legal Information Center of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, before the investigation took place, explained that investigators examined six people in confrontation. Apart from Maqdir Ismail, Andika, and Anang, there was also Irwan Hermawan.

This examination is to make clear the Rp27 billion that was handed over by legal adviser Irwan Hermawan, whether his status is included in money that can ease his sentence in order to return the replacement money.

"We will confront all of that later to clarify the status of Rp27 billion or US$1.8. Will it later ease the IH in order to return the replacement money or money received by IH or other money. We are still investigating all of this," said Sumedana.