What Is Sliding Tackle? Check Out Understanding And How To Do It
YOGYAKARTA One of the defense techniques in football games that are often used by players to stop the opponent's movement is the sliding tackle. There are many players who use this technique to seize the ball controlled by the opposing side. However, this technique can trigger riots between players. So, what is a tackle sliding?
The term sliding tackle comes from two words, namely sliding and tackle. Sleding comes from English, namely 'Slide' which means sliding. While the word 'tackle' in English means overcoming it.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the word tackle is translated as a "keel". This word is included in the verba class or word. So, tackle can be expressed as an action, existence, experience, or other dynamical meaning. While the sliding in KBBI is understood as a "slide" or "shift".
According to the Football Bible, sliding tackle is a technique to snatch the ball from the opponent's feet while sliding at the ball with one or two legs. The goal is to keep the ball away from the opponent's feet.
The suitably done tackle sliding technique can stop the opponent's attack, especially in crucial moments. However, players who carry out this technique have an intention or intention to injure someone or get injured, the referee will give punishment in the form of a yellow card or red card.
Sliding a tackle is a violation not because of the technique, but rather to the intention of someone doing the scamping of the tackle.
How To Do The Right Tackle Sliding
Before sliding the tackle, football players must consider the initial situation. For example, whether the target has kicked the ball, is picking up the ball, or at the same time the ball.
The consideration of this situation is very helpful for players in choosing the tackle technique they want to use.
To be able to slip a tackle, the player must bend his knees as a body support while sliding on the leg, while the other legs are scattered to win the ball.
Adapted from the Sports and Health Physical Education book, here are how to do the tackle sliding technique that is correct:
Teknik Melakukan Sliding Tackle
There are two techniques to score a tackle, including:
That's the information about what tackle is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.