Commemorating The 78th Anniversary Of The Republic Of Indonesia, Bank Indonesia Helps Islamic Boarding Schools And Mosques

In commemoration of the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Bank Indonesia Representative of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) distributed the Social Bank Indonesia Program (PSBI) to Islamic boarding schools, mosques, and prayer rooms in the province.

"The distribution of PSBI is also part of commemorating the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia," said Deputy Head of Bank Indonesia West Sumatra Representative Christoveny in Padang, Thursday.

The distribution of the PSBI is a tangible form and contribution of Bank Indonesia to the community. This is also in line with Bank Indonesia's vision of becoming the leading digital central bank that has a real contribution to the Indonesian economy.

Christoveny explained that the PSBI which was handed over to Islamic boarding schools, mosques and prayer rooms was also in support of the development of a more massive and extensive sharia economy in Minang's Ranah Province.

Through PSBI, Bank Indonesia hopes that mosques and prayer rooms will become part of the socialization agency, especially educating the public about the implementation of the Islamic economic concept.

Meanwhile, Islamic boarding schools are also expected to be part of controlling the inflation rate in West Sumatra. This is because the social assistance provided by Bank Indonesia is more for facilities and infrastructure, such as agricultural machinery.

"For Islamic boarding schools, it is more for facilities and infrastructure that supports the development of productive businesses," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 17.

For Islamic boarding schools that received PSBI, the agency, originally known as De Javasche Bank NV during the Dutch East Indies administration, hoped that religious education institutions could meet basic food needs.

"We hope that Islamic boarding schools can produce food such as meat, red chilies and can empower the surrounding community," he said.

Then, especially at the Grand Mosque of West Sumatra, it is currently also developing or carrying out a halal lifestyle pilot project. With the help of PSBI, it is hoped that the sharia economic concept will be more active.

Meanwhile, West Sumatra Grand Mosque administrator Dr Sobhan Lubis expressed his gratitude for the assistance of Bank Indonesia through PSBI to mosques, prayer rooms and Islamic boarding schools.

Sobhan Lubis hopes that through this assistance from Bank Indonesia, it can strengthen the development of the sharia economy and have an impact on the welfare of the community.