The Meaning Of The Sacred Motive For Dayak Traditional Clothes Worn By Puan Maharani At The MPR Annual Session

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, attended the MPR Annual Session wearing traditional Dayak clothes, West Kalimantan. The cloth worn by Puan is one of the motifs considered sacred by the Dayak community

At the Annual Session of the MPR which was held at the Nusantara Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 16, Puan wore Dayak traditional clothes with a red maroon Ruit Besai motif. Puan got this cloth directly from West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), precisely from Umin Jaya Village, Dedai District, Sintang Regency.

Dayak Women's Leader Yolanda Lasarus said Ruit Besai's motive was an oversized motive which in Dayak's custom was only used by big figures.

"This motive symbolizes greatness and courage. Work should not be arbitrary, only certain people can make it," said Yolanda.

The cloth that Puan wore was made by the Iban Dayak Sub-Department known as the Village Dayak Tribe. The work on this motif cloth was carried out for about 3.5 months.

Only old craftsmen are allowed to make it because when it is made there is a traditional ritual. So it should not be just anyone who makes it, because it is considered a sacred motif, "explained Yolanda.

In ancient times, the Ruit Besai cloth motifs were used to marked victory. Because during the independence era, the fighters won when wearing this Ruit.

Ruit itself is an old fruit that has existed since the time of its ancestors. Yolanda said that Ruit Besai's motive is currently one of the rare motifs of Dayak cloth.

"This motive is rarely found, because not everyone can do this in the Dayak Traditional Village," he said.

Puan's choice of Ruit Besai's motif cloth began when Yolanda showed several examples of Dayak's cloth to the first woman to serve as Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives some time ago. Puan was immediately interested in Ruit Besai's motive.

Mrs. Puan feels quite strong, so she chose herself for this motive. When Mrs. Puan came to Sintang, she was also interested in seeing the results of the craftsmen there, "said the wife of the Chairman of Commission V DPR Lasarus, who came from the West Kalimantan electoral district.

After that, look for the Ruit Besai cloth craftsman. Meanwhile, the model of clothing that Puan uses is designed by a local designer from Pontianak named Mysha Hamisah.

The design is indeed the one who usually designs Dayak's local traditional clothing. Because for Dayak traditional clothes, it must be special so that they really describe Dayak," explained Yolanda.

To complete the traditional clothes she wears, Puan wears accessories in the form of Dayak's distinctive headband which symbolizes the beauty of Dayak women.

The MPR Annual Session was attended by President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and their government ranks. The 2023 MPR Annual Session was also attended by state leaders and previous presidents and vice presidents.

President Jokowi, who delivered his State Speech on the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia at the Annual Session, was seen wearing traditional clothes from Tanimbar, Maluku. Several state leaders also wore traditional clothes from various regions, such as the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri who looked elegant wearing a white kebaya with red batik cloth bottoms, and was equipped with scarves attached to her shoulders.