Police Name Head Of Health Center In Bengkulu As Suspect For Official Travel Corruption

BENGKULU - The police have named RA, the head of the puskesmas in Bengkulu City as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of cutting and collecting official travel costs from the non-physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK) budget for health sectors through Health Operational Assistance (BOK) in 2022.

"The investigation of the suspect, Dr. RA, has been determined as a suspect, until now only one person has been named a suspect in connection with the case," said PS Head of Sub-Directorate for Tipidkor Polda Bengkulu Kompol Khoiril Akbar when confirmed in Bengkulu, Tuesday, August 15, was confiscated by Antara. He stated that RA was previously examined as a reported suspect and was later named a suspect in the case of alleged deduction or illegal levies of BOK funds at one of the puskesmas in Bengkulu City. For this case, the Bengkulu Police applied Article 12 Letter E and F and Article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 as amended and supplemented by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.. "For our own loss, we do not calculate state losses, but we here use Article 12 E and 12 F. The cuts from our calculation results are around Rp. 146 million," said Khoiril.

It is known that the total BOK funds at the Puskesmas where the suspects worked in 2022 amounted to Rp. 833.71 million and each official travel activity, the recipients were deducted by Rp. 30 thousand per person. Then, based on the results of the recapitulation of the BOK coordinator of the Puskesmas, the amount of revenue from cuts or collections in the period September to December 2022 in the first quarter was Rp. 32.01 million, the second quarter was Rp. 20.70 million and in the third quarter was Rp. 35.80 million with a total of Rp. 88.51 million. The budget should have been used to support medical service performance and ensure service availability at the sub-district level. However, in its implementation, it was found that there were illegal cuts and collections by the Head of the UPTD Puskesmas in Bengkulu City. During the investigation of the corruption case, investigators have conducted an examination of the state civil apparatus (ASN) at the puskesmas and confiscated evidence in the form of cutting documents and recaps of cutting results.