If It's Emergency, The Toll Road At IKN Can Be Used As Airplane Land
JAKARTA - The Nusantara State Capital Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force (IKN) Danis Sumadilaga said that the Nusantara IKM Access Toll Road Sections 6A and 6B could be used as a runway for aircraft.
"On the 6A, 6B toll road, we will make a runway," said Danis in Jakarta, quoted Thursday, August 10.
Even so, Danis said, this is only for emergencies. Later, the runway length will be about 3 kilometers (km).
"(6A, 6B) as a toll road, but in an emergency (emergency) state we designed it as an aircraft runway. It is about 3 km long," he said.
He emphasized that the toll road in question was not an emergency plane runway. However, under certain circumstances, the toll road can function as an airplane runway.
"(Not an emergency runaway). So, toll roads that are in certain circumstances can function as aircraft runaways," he said.
The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) continues to accelerate the construction of toll roads to the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan in order to increase connectivity.
Head of the IKN Development Implementation Work Unit 2 of the East Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN), Armen Adekristi, said that the construction of the IKN Toll Road which is currently running is in three sections, namely Section 3A Karangjoang-KKT Kariangau with a length of 13.4 km, Section 3B KKT Kariangau- Tempadung Intersection with a length of 7.32 km, and Section 5A Simpang Tempadung-Jembatan Pulau Balang with a length of 6.67 km.
Section 6A Riko- Outer Ring Road IKN and Section 6B ITCI Outer Ring Road-Simpang 3 Outer Plan are currently in the process of auctioning work packages with a contract signing target in August 2023.
Meanwhile, Section 1 of the Sepinggan-Toll Airport Section Balikpapan-Samarinda (Balsam) will be auctioned in October 2023 with a contract target in December 2023.
Next, Section 5B-1 of the Bridge Segment of the Balang Island-Simpang Plan for VVIP Airport, and Section 5B-2 Simpang Plan for VVIP-Riko Airport will start auctioning in September 2023 with a November 2023 contract target.
Meanwhile, section 2 is part of the Balsam Toll Road. For section 4, an undersea tunnel construction (immersed tunnel) is prepared to protect the environment, and in section 4 two routes are also provided for the animal, so there is a kind of short tunnel. The immersed tunnel is currently still in the process of auctioning its design work.