Minister Of PPPA Communications With National Police Chief Asks For Miss Universe Indonesia's Naked Photo Case To Be Completely Investigated

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection is ready to oversee the legal process of cases of alleged sexual harassment at the Miss Universe Indonesia event and ensure that victims get protection rights.

"I have communicated this with the National Police Chief and I convey that this case can be guarded thoroughly," said Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Bintang Puspayoga in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 9.

His party is concerned and regrets what happened to the beauty pageant participants.

"Of course, we deeply regret the alleged sexual harassment case by the committee on behalf of the body checking process. The treatment that degrades women's dignity and this has violated human rights. Even though the alleged victims participated in the Miss Universe Indonesia pageant for self-actualization, talent competition and personality to be expected to become the nation's ambassador," he said.

The Minister of PPPA also appreciated the Polda Metro Jaya for responding to reports from victims.

Bintang Puspayoga also appreciated the courage of the victims who had reported.

"I salute their courage to report and they report this not for their own interests, but also to save their friends who are still afraid to report," he said.

His party also encouraged the finalist Miss Universe Indonesia, who had not dared to report, not to be afraid to report.

"KemenPPPA according to the main task force is ready to present criminal expert witnesses if needed and we will ensure that the victims get protection," said Bintang Puspayoga.

KemenPPPA has coordinated with the management office, namely the North Jakarta PPA Sub-dept. and the PPA Office have also coordinated with Polda Metro Jaya to find out the progress of the case.

If psychological assistance is needed, the Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) is ready to provide assistance.