Successfully Held, Goweser Hopes To Replace Ganjar Can Continue Tour De Borobudur

SOLO - Thousands of rides participated in the annual sport tourism event in Central Java, Tour de Borobudur. A cycling event that is eagerly awaited by rideswers is divided into two groups, namely elite groups and hobbyist groups.

For the elite group that started today, 300 participants participated. Meanwhile, the hobbyist group, which started on Sunday, was attended by 1200 participants from various regions in Indonesia.

The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, was present in person to release the participants. Accompanied by President Jokowi's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Ganjar released Tour de Borobudur for the last time. Because on September 5, 2023, Ganjar has finished serving as Governor of Central Java.

"This is an interesting event, yes, I'm always waiting for a ride like me. I always participate every year because Tour de Borobudur is the best bicycle event in Indonesia," said Novi, a lifter from Jakarta.

Novi said that this cool event could be realized by the initiation of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. He hopes that after Ganjar does not serve as Governor of Central Java, this event will still be held.

"Hopefully this event can continue to be held. We hope that whoever replaces Pak Ganjar will continue this very cool event," he said.

Tour de Borobudur is a well-known sport tourism event in Indonesia. The bicycle racing event to Borobudur Temple is held once a year with different routes. Every route that participants pass is a famous tourism place in Central Java.

For this time, participants started at the famous Solo tourist spot, Mangkunegaran Temple. After that, participants will be invited to enjoy the beauty of the slopes of Mount Lawu, crossing the Karanganyar glass bridge, Kemuning tea garden, Cetho Temple and other tourist attractions.

"Tour de Borobudur is one of our flagship sports tourism besides the Borobudur Marathon. And this is the 23rd event with routes every year, always different. Every route that is traversed, participants can enjoy a very good tourism atmosphere," said Ganjar.

The atmosphere of the village, nature and beauty of historical places are always presented in this event. Ganjar hopes that this event can produce many bicycle athletes as well as introduce Central Java tourist destinations to all corners of the country.

"Hopefully the sport will be more accomplished and the tourism will be more famous and crowded," he concluded.