No Need To Be Complicated, Here's How To Make Meeting Notes On Google Docs
JAKARTA - When you are selected as a meeting minutes, you are required to record all the results of the meeting and then explain them again at the end of the meeting.
However, the use of books and pencils may have been very old in today's digital era. Fortunately, Google Docs has features that allow you to make meeting records directly there.
According to Google's information, you will get a special template that draws details from the Google Calendar event you selected, including date, title, and meeting participants.
The following is how to set meeting record templates in Google Docs:
After that step, there are several different ways to share Docs so that everyone can contribute such as editing records during meetings or accessing them after meetings.
A pop-up on the right will appear and ask if you want to share notes with other participants. To provide access, click Share or select Share & ATtach.
If you prefer to send a note directly to your email after the meeting, you can easily move it to Gmail. On the left of the meeting date and the title in Docs, click the envelope icon, which reads Email meeting notes, or click three points next to the icon and select Email meeting notes.