Disadvantaged Villages In East Kalimantan Remaining 5 Villages
SAMARINDA - Villages with disadvantaged status based on the Building Village Index (IDM) in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) have five villages remaining.
This number has decreased by 12 villages compared to the previous year, which still has 17 villages.
"The decline in the number of villages is lagging behind due to the handling of various indicators, both social, economic, and environmental," said East Kalimantan Province IDM (P3MD) Expert (TA) Data Collection for the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) Mey in Warin Angin in Samarinda as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 25.
The remaining five villages/districts with left status are Mapulu Village in Kelay District, Berau Regency, then four villages in Bongan District, West Kutai Regency, namely Gerungung Village, Tanjung Soke, Deraya, and Lemper Village.
Meydi said the success of reducing the number of underdeveloped villages was due to various collaborations ranging from the East Kalimantan Community Empowerment and Village Government Service (DPMD), related agencies at the East Kalimantan level to districts, sub-districts, village assistants, to village governments called communities.
Of the three indicators as a benchmark for IDM assessment which includes the Social Resilience Index (IKS), the Economic Resilience Index (IKE), and the Environmental Resilience Index (IKL), indicators that received intensive treatment last year until the middle of this year IKL.
This was done because an average of 17 villages that previously had lagging status, the most obstacles were related to vulnerability and potential disasters, both natural and non-natural disasters that were included in the IKL indicator.
For this reason, said Meydi, all parties last year agreed to mitigate villages prone to disasters such as floods due to ups and downs, floods due to rain, landslides, and other disasters, including non-natural disasters.
"Disasters are indeed difficult to avoid and some are unavoidable, but we can mitigate the impact, such as by making warning boards, signs and directions for rescue gathering points, conducting disaster simulations and others," said Meydi.
Meanwhile, five villages are currently lagging behind because they are related to the lack of infrastructure, especially roads, including the lack of support for educational and health infrastructure, so all parties have coordinated to meet these shortcomings.