Having Fantastic Life Resilience, That's Why Cats Are Called To Have Nine Lives

YOGYAKARTA Many cat lovers are looking for how long the cat lives. But the results may show a little more than a century that doesn't reduce his love for anabul. Most cat owners also understand that their pets work very well in compromise. Although sometimes delinquency and feeling excited fosters an extraordinary experience.

Cats have an award for life like humans. They can survive well, it needs to be recognized as human intervention to ensure the health and safety of the place of life. According to veterinarian staff in New York, Michelle Lugones, DVM., cats are just like humans, those who are healthy have a greater chance of living longer and happy. In addition to health insurance and human love for cats, many myths of society that think cats have nine lives.

This myth is not known exactly where and when it began to develop. However, launching Daily Paws, Tuesday, July 25, it is thought to have originated from the Egyptian goddess, Bastet, which can change its form from human to cat. This implies that cats have many lives. In ancient Egypt, cats were praised because they were elegant and gentle and threatened their prey. According to the American Research Center in Egypt, many Egyptian gods have the same nature depicted as cats.

However, there is also a culture that considers cats to live seven. This indicates that cats are animals that are not easily defeated. Well, scientifically, Lugones explained, that genetically there is not much difference between pet cats and stray cats. They have natural survival instincts, such as the ability to spy, hunt, and pounce on prey.

This knife is known as the righting reflect, which shows that the cat's feet first become the foundation when they fall. They are able to straighten their bodiesionally to land on their scallops, so very rarely anyone gets injured. Reflection straightens out is just an instinct, and cats may still be vulnerable to danger around them.

Cats live 12-15 years on average while stray cats live between 2-5 years. Indoor or protected cats, often live healthier lives. Meanwhile, outside cats, are exposed to disease, hit by vehicles, swallowing poison, or fighting with prey.

Guinness World Records lists Creme Puff of Texas as the oldest cat to ever live, dying in 2005 at the age of 38. As an illustration, a 1-year-old cat is equivalent to a 15-year-old human, a 2-year-old cat reflecting a 25-year-old human. So since then, every year a cat lives on the equivalent of four human years. While a 10-year-old cat is equal to 57 human. Most veterinarians started pointing to cats as seniors when they were 10 years old.

Cats have high life resistance because one of them likes to play. This prevents them from being stressed and bored. That way they can still be healthy. In their care, cats also require a safe environment, such as staying away from toxic foods and routinely checking health every year to veterinarians.