Representing The ASEAN Parliament, Fadli Zon Follows The Election Process In Cambodia

JAKARTA - Chairman of the BKSAP DPR RI, Fadli Zon, invited by the Cambodian Government to be the 7th international observer of the General Election of Cambodia, on July 23, 2023 at the Phnom Penh. Fadli also represented the Parliament of ASEAN, ASEAN Parliamentary Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) delivering statements and responses regarding observations of the results of the Cambodian election. The Cambodian parliamentary delegation invited the ASEAN parliamentary delegation to be the observer in accordance with the agreement during the Parliamentary Preparatory Meeting at the ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface Meeting, in Labuan Bajo last May. Fadli followed the opening monitoring process at a number of polling stations to the process of computing ballots. Fadli said that the entire election process went smoothly, orderly and peacefully. There were no incidents, coercion or prominent things. We witnessed Cambodian people using their political rights enthusiastically, more than 84% came to the TPS," said Fadli in his statement, Monday, July 24. Fadli also underlined the cooperation and relations between Indonesia and Cambodia must continue to run well and be improved through cooperation between Parliaments. "DPR RI, through BKSAP, is ready to work with anyone who will occupy the seat of the Cambodian Parliament, to improve cooperation with parliament and relations between Indonesia - Cambodia," said Fadli. Through a press conference and representing the AIPA delegation, Fadli also emphasized that the presence of observers, including from parliamentary delegates AIPA members, helped maintain transparency and accountability during the voting process and vote counting.

As far as it is informed, more than 8 million 200 thousand people have voted in the 7th general election this time. Preliminary results also show the CPP Party won 120 seats, while the Funcinpec Party got five seats. In the future, Fadli hopes that the monitoring tradition will continue to be held in other countries, including in the ASEAN region by inviting representatives from parliament members of AIPA.