DPRD Complaints About Poor Communication Between Anies And The Team Facing DKI's Problems

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and the officials of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government are also troubling about the problems faced by DKI Jakarta DPRD members. This was acknowledged by the Chairman of the DKI Regional Parliament, Prasetio Edi Marsudi.

For example, during the polemic of cutting 191 trees during the revitalization of the National Monument (Monas), Prasetio got a headache. In fact, during the previous budget discussion, the DKI Provincial Government officials said that trees were only moved, not cut.

Not to mention the question of the revelation of the revitalization development of the southern side of Monas which previously did not have permission from the Free Medan Area Steering Commission, namely State Secretary Minister (Mensesneg) Pratikno as chairman.

Although, in the end, Anies managed and obtained a permit, and guaranteed that the felled tree would be replanted, the PDIP faction member still questioned the lack of coordination.

"Regarding the revitalization incident which was without the approval of the State Secretariat, they mean going their own way. In fact, they should coordinate with the central government. We (DPRD) must also talk," said Prasetio, Wednesday, February 19.

In fact, said Prasetio, the DPRD must be spoken to first. This is because the DKI parliament is the holder of decisions regarding budget submissions for all DKI Provincial Government policies. If there is a problem, the DPRD will not hesitate to freeze the budget proposed in the APBD discussion.

"If he (Anies) has money (budget), I have a hammer!" he stressed.

Deputy Chairman of the DKI Regional Parliament, Zita Anjani, also expressed her complaint over the chaotic recommendations for implementing Formula E in cultural heritage areas, namely the National Monument (Monas).

The problem came when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan submitted a recommendation letter for Formula E at Monas to the Medan Merdeka Area Steering Committee. In writing, the party providing the recommendation is the Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB).

In fact, TACB Chairman Mundardjito denied having made a recommendation. Anies' men also admitted their mistake because they carelessly mistyped the name of the institution. Assistant for People's Welfare, Catur Laswanto, said that the recommendation should be written by the Restoration Session Team (TSP).

However, to the annoyance of the DPRD, the Head of the Cultural Service Iwan Henry Wardhana had kept the evidence of recommendation from the public a secret. Iwan said this recommendation was a kitchen matter for the executive.

In fact, Zita considers the DPRD as a legislative member to be a working partner of the DKI Provincial Government as the executive. So, Iwan should not say that the recommendation to implement Formula E is the secret of the kitchen.

"It turns out that the kitchen (DKI Pemprov) is still in a mess. The kitchen is already a mess, the statement of the head of the office is not appropriate either. So, if the executive wants to walk alone, if we are not needed, then there is no need to have a meeting (between the DKI Provincial Government and the DPRD) like this," he said. Zita.

Furthermore, the perception of Anies' weak communication in dealing with DKI's problems was also felt by the Gerindra faction, as the party supporting Anies in the 2017 DKI Pilgub.

Seeing the case of rejection of commercialization in the revitalization of Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) by artists, Gerindra Faction member Syarif thinks that the communication process has stalled.

Taman Ismail Marzuki revitalization design (special doc)

This is because the artists who are members of the Taman Ismail Marzuki Care Artist Forum (FSPTIM) have complained to the Indonesian Parliament. They complained about the voice of rejection of commercialization by BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (JakPro) which was not heard by the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government.

"Complaints to the DPR mean that there is a need for communication. In fact, fellow artists asked to talk, not reject all revitalizations. I suggest that the provincial government communicate with the artists," said Syarif, Thursday, February 20.

The presumption of poor communication by the Jakarta Provincial Government is exacerbated by the silence of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan every time he is asked for answers to problems that plague DKI.

For example, when asked about the response to the results of the Indo Barometer survey which revealed that the former Governor of DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) was the most successful in dealing with floods, Anies simply shook his head. The sign, he did not want to give a response.

Then, when asked for confirmation about the plan to summon Anies by the House of Representatives Commission X on the case of rejection of the commercialization of TIM revitalization, Anies was also reluctant to answer. In fact, Anies only has to answer whether he will fulfill the summons of the DPR or not.

"Enough, thank you," said Anies after the plenary meeting at the DKI DPRD Building, Wednesday, February 19.