Foreign Minister Retno Asks France To Agree On Nuclear Weapons Free Agreement

JAKARTA - Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi asked France to agree on the Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapons Free Contract (SEANWFZ) protocol as an effort to maintain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific.

The invitation was conveyed by Retno during a bilateral meeting with French Foreign Minister Catherine Colona in Paris as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 21.

France is one of the nuclear weapons-owning countries targeted by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to sign the SEANWFZ Treaty protocol, in addition to China, Russia, Britain, and the United States.

The ASEAN Foreign Ministers at a regional meeting in Jakarta last week also asked the five nuclear weapons-owning countries to access the protocol.

The foreign ministers who attended the ASEAN meeting were US Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, British Foreign Minister James Cleanly, while China was represented by diplomat and Director of the Central Office of Chinese Foreign Affairs Wang Yi.

At his meeting with Colonna, Retno also emphasized that minilateralism in the region must support peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.

This year, France has made a minilateral agreement with the United Arab Emirates and India.

Previously, a number of minilateral cooperations that had been formed in the region were Quadrlateral or Quad which included India, the US, Japan, and Australia. Then there is also BRICS consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

I also emphasize that South's Global voice must be heard more. I convey that Indonesia and France can be a bridge between Global North and Global South," said Retno.

Global South is a term in global politics that refers to developing countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Oceania. While Global North refers to developed countries in North America, Europe and East Asia.

To Colonna, Retno also conveyed to protect the Indo-Pacific region so as not to become a show of strength.