President Jokowi Review Road Infrastructure Improvement In Bengkulu

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo reviewed the process of repairing road infrastructure in Bengkulu, precisely on the Kerkap-Tanjung Agung Pali Inpres Road, North Bengkulu Regency.Jokowi's visit to ensure that road infrastructure improvements, both national, provincial and district roads in Bengkulu, have started."Regarding the special damaged roads in Bengkulu Province, indeed on national roads that are not yet stable, meaning that 10 percent of the provincial roads are still damaged, approximately 40 percent of the provincial roads are not yet steady, district roads are the same as 40 percent," Jokowi said in a press release from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat, Jakarta, Friday, July 21.The central government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is starting to repair infrastructure for eight damaged roads in Bengkulu and it is still open to the possibility to add to the cultivated area."This is what the central government has intervened through the Ministry of Public Works and we hope that with this exact figure, this is still running, which is now clear Rp327 billion for eight segments in Bengkulu Province, but later we will process again, it is possible to add more," said Jokowi.Jokowi emphasized that the central government's policy of improving road infrastructure was carried out not only in Bengkulu, but also in several other provinces which are planned to take place at the end of July."This does not only apply in Bengkulu Province, we hope that in 32 provinces it will run at the end of July," he said.On the same occasion, Jokowi reminded local governments to focus on working by implementing priority scales for budget use, one of which is to complete the provision and improvement of proper infrastructure."I often convey to the regents, mayors, and governors that the focus is on the budget, the work is focused, if the road is not good, for example, if you want to prioritize it, you have given an excess budget for the first, second year, completing infrastructure. Later in the third year, fourth year, finish it for example economic matters, markets. fix it," he said.Therefore, Jokowi appealed to local governments not to hesitate in realizing their budgets as long as their use is carried out properly and wisely."The task of the local government is to realize the budget, why are you afraid, if you don't take anything, why are you afraid, I was once the mayor, I was once governor, so as long as you don't take it, you don't need to be afraid, but if you have taken a different matter," said Jokowi.
Jokowi conducted a review this time accompanied by PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah, and North Bengkulu Regent Mian.