Ferrari F40 Seharga Rp37 Miliar Dijadikan NFT Di Platform Altr Berbasis Polygon

JAKARTA - In an effort to introduce blockchain technology to the luxury goods market, Polygon-based platform Altr has successfully sold an iconic Ferrari F40 sports car worth 2.5 million US dollars (Rp37 billion) as a non-fungible token (NFT). This move marks an important milestone for Altr as the first official sale on their platform.

Altr aims to be the main platform for luxury goods transactions, and the sale of Ferrari F40 is one of the biggest sales they have made to date. All luxury goods sold on this platform are published in the form of non-exchangeable NFT tokens, thus providing proof of digital ownership for buyers.

In addition, the Altr platform plays a role in keeping the physical goods sold until the new owner is ready to claim it. Altr securely keeps and maintains all collectibles in a safe storage facility until the NFT holder decides to redeem his physical goods.

The sale of the Ferrari F40 sports car was successful in less than 48 hours, showing the high public interest and trust in the underlying Altr and blockchain technology.

According to Davide Rovelli, an early supporter of the Altr platform, there is a growing market for collectors to buy physical assets using blockchain technology. Rovelli believes that blockchain technology provides a secure and transparent solution to obtaining, possessing, exchanging, and storing high-value assets.

Altr also offers the concept of "fractional ownership" of luxury goods. Collectors can own a portion of certain luxury items and receive NFT as proof of their holdings. For example, in January, the platform sold a Rolex watchmen 6265/8 worth $195,000 to a group of buyers. In this fractional ownership scheme, Altr receives 3% in return for their role in storing and managing the watch.

With the Altr platform and the use of blockchain technology in luxury goods transactions, collectors and enthusiasts of luxury goods are expected to increasingly feel confident and guaranteed in owning high-value assets. In this digital era, such steps open up new opportunities for the luxury goods market and expand the reach of blockchain technology to various economic sectors.