Inaugurating The SPKT Building Of The Kulon Progo Police, The Yogyakarta Police Chief Encourages The Presence Of Complaint Services Via WhatsApp

The Kulon Progo Police Integrated Service Center (SPKT) was asked to provide quality services to support the existence of Yogyakarta International Airport.

The request came from the Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Inspector General (Irjen) Pol Suwondo Nainggolan when he received the SPKT Building of the Kulon Progo Police, Tuesday, July 18.

"Always evaluate whether the services we provide are in accordance with what the community wants," said Suwondo, quoted by Antara.

The Yogyakarta Regional Police Chief said the Kulon Progo Police were close to Yogyakarta International Airport, which is the national and international gateway.

To evaluate services to the community and consumers entering DIY, the Kapolda also encouraged the Kulon Progo Police SPKT to open communication services to complaints via various electronic messaging channels such as WhatsApp.

"If we judge for ourselves it is good, once we ask the public, can it be via email and WhatsApp," he said.

He said the existence of SPKT was an increase in performance for Kulon Progo Police personnel and could provide excellent service to the community.

"I hope that the construction of the SPKT Building will not only be carried out in administrative services because the police service is a police action accompanied by administrative services," he said.

The Kulon Progo Police SPKT building is reviewed from the aspect that services have very strategic value. These services include police reports, report receipts, loss report certificates, police records certificates, ticket services, traffic accidents, public complaints, fingerprints, self-report letters, notification receipts, crowd permits and other community activities.

In addition, the Kulon Progo Police SPKT Building is also equipped with tools for people with disabilities, including a special disabled bathroom and there is also a playing arena for children. In addition, it is also equipped with electronic equipment in the form of computers, then machines to take serial numbers queues so that community services can be faster.

Kulon Progo Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Nunuk Setiyowati said the construction of the SPKT Building presents all services on one roof. Previously, various services were still separate in each of the function of the organizers.

"To the whole community, don't be afraid and hesitate if you treat our services. The Kulon Progo Police SPKT is ready to provide police services for 1 x 24 at any time," he said.