From Sajam To Narcotics, Batu Kejari Destroys Barbuk 79 Cases Using Waste Processing Machines
The Batu City District Attorney's Office (Kejari) destroyed evidence (barbuk) of 79 cases, generally narcotics cases that already had permanent legal force or incrachts.
Head of the Batu City District Attorney's Office, Agus Rujito, said the evidence was from a case revealed from the last year from July 2022 to July 2023.
"With this extermination activity, it is hoped that the crime rate will decrease and the evidence will not be misused by irresponsible people," he said in Batu City, East Java (East Java), Tuesday, July 18, which was confiscated by Antara.
Agus explained that the destroyed evidence was 119.66 grams of methamphetamine, 10.495 grams of dried marijuana, 13,737 pills of double L, 771 pills of T, 3,000 pills of Y logo pills, 27 bottles of liquor, 30 cellphones and four sharp weapons (sajam).
The destruction was carried out at the Tlekung Final Disposal Site (TPA), Junrejo District, Batu City.
"The destruction using a waste crushing device belonging to the Batu City Environment Agency (DLH) that is sophisticated and modern, of course, will not have an impact on air pollution around the site of the destruction," said Agus.
He added that the evidence was destroyed using a waste processing machine or pyrolysis with a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius so that it could reduce waste with minimal emissions.
"With such a high temperature, B3 waste or medical waste or in this case narcotics and evidence can be destroyed safely," he said.