Garbage Scattered On Muara Angke Mangrove Beach, DKI Provincial Government Calls It A Result Of Being Carried Away By The Current From Other Regions

JAKARTA - The phenomenon of garbage spreading on the edge of mangroves in the Muara Angke area, North Jakarta is in the spotlight of netizens on social media.

In the video uploaded to the Instagram account lens_berita_jakarta, it appears that garbage is piling up on the edge of a mangrove park. The majority of the waste is plastic. There, the current of the sea water seemed calm.

A number of netizens regretted this condition. They questioned the cause of the pile of garbage in the mangrove bridge which functions to prevent the abrasion.

Responding to this, the Head of the Food, Maritime and Agricultural Security Service (KPKP) Suharini Eliawati said the stretch of garbage that appeared in the waters of the mangrove beach came from other areas and was carried by the current to Jakarta.

"Sampah di laut merupakan permasalahan dan isu global yang menjadi perhatian Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Peristiwa penumpuk sampah di Kawasan Mangrove diperkirakan berasal dari wilayah lain yang terbawa arus," kata Eli dalam pesan singkat, Selasa, 11 Juli.

The mangrove area in the Muara Angke area, continued Eli, is divided into several managed areas, some are managed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry's BKSDA and some are managed by Distamhut and the KPKP Service.

Solutions related to waste from the Muara Angke port area, the DKI Provincial Government carry out regular management by the Muara Angke Fishery Port Management Unit in collaboration with the Environment Agency.

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the KPKP Office last month also carried out beach and sea clean activities in the Thousand Islands Regency area involving relevant stakeholders and students to coincide with the coral Triangle Day and DKI Jakarta Anniversary celebrations," he explained.