The Perpetrator Of The Robbery Attempt At The Graha Padma Housing Semarang Was Thrown Into Detention

SEMARANG - The police are still processing the law for the perpetrators of the attempted robbery at the Graha Padma Semarang luxury housing complex, Central Java, which occurred in the early hours of Sunday (9/7).

Tugu Police Chief Kompol Ngadiyo said suspect E was charged with Article 53 in conjunction with Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning attempted criminal acts.

"The legal process continues even though the victim has forgiven," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 10.

According to him, the perpetrator of the theft at Michael Rendy Wiyono's house has been detained.

From the results of the investigation, it was found that perpetrator E was a neighbor of the victim who was also a resident of the luxury housing estate.

Attempted robbery at a house, the luxury housing complex of Graha Padma Semarang, Central Java, which occurred in the early hours of Sunday.

The attempted robbery incident happened to a resident of Graha Padma Housing, Michael Rendy Wiyono.

The incident itself began when the perpetrator turned off the electricity at the victim's house.

The victim, whose electricity was turned off, then left the house to check the condition of the electric switch.

When the victim came out, the suspect allegedly ambushed the victim using a sharp weapon. The victim who resisted suffered injuries to several parts of the body due to the perpetrator's sharp weapon.