Children Followed By Obesity? These 2 Steps Can Help Control Your Little One's Weight
JAKARTA - If your child is already obese, there are a number of things you can do, two of which regulate your diet and physical exercise.
"Both must coincide. The diet is corrected, activities are also carried out with modifications of behavior and family support," said the Pediatrician and Cooperatives for the Lactication of Pondok Indah Hospital - Pondok Indah, Dr. Yovita Ananta, SpA, MHSM as reported by ANTARA.
The child's diet is regulated by reducing 200 calories per day with a weight loss target of 0.5 kilograms per week. Then, continued Yovita, the big meal schedule remains three times a day plus two snacks (fruits and vegetables, for example), water between the main meal schedules.
"If it's really difficult, at least we don't increase our weight first until we reach the ideal weight," he said.
Physical exercise is carried out at least three times a week if the intensity is fit, such as running or every day for moderate intensity such as walking fast. The choices vary and are adjusted to the level of children's motor development, such as cycling, swimming, dancing, karate, gymnastics, football, basketball.
Especially for muscle strengthening exercises such as gymnastics or push-ups and bone strengthening such as running or jumping ropes, it should be done at least three times a week. If diet and physical activity do not help, doctors can prescribe certain drugs, especially if there are comorbidities such as cholesterol to bariatric surgery.
"Drugs are only for children over the age of 12 years," said Yovita.