Recognize Signs Of Children Addicted To Devices
JAKARTA - In this era of technological advances, children spend a lot of time playing with gadgets, so parents need to pay attention to the signs of gadget addiction and the impact it has.
According to research conducted by Common Sense Media, quoted from the Hindustan Times on Sunday, children aged 8 to 12 years spend 5.5 hours per day playing gadgets.
"Children grow up and live surrounded by a multitude of digital devices, which are an integral part of their daily lives, from smartphones to tablets to laptops to game consoles. The potential risks related to excessive screen time in children- child," says psychologist and mental health activist, Dr. Arvind Otta, quoted from Antara, Sunday 9 July.
Arvind added, children aged 6 years and over must limit their time playing gadgets to no more than 2 hours per day. If it exceeds these provisions it will be dangerous for the child's development process.
The blue light produced by gadget screens can affect the production of the hormone melatonin which regulates sleep patterns. Therefore, frequent exposure to screen light can disrupt sleep patterns, reduce sleep quality, and cause fatigue during the day.
Arvind further explained, lack of sleep causes irritation, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, mood regulation, and others.
Arvind said that the signs that a child is addicted to playing with gadgets include starting to interfere with daily activities such as doing homework, outdoor activities, and other creative activities. In addition, the emotional state and behavior of children experience changes.
If exposed to aggressive or inappropriate content for their age, it will cause children to behave violently or get anxious easily and can reduce their cognitive abilities which impact academic performance at school.
Arvind gave several tips for managing the time children use devices to prevent addiction.
Parents need to make clear rules and set limits on the time allowed for children to access their devices. Parents can help provide understanding to children about the consequences of excessive use of gadgets. This can help children understand the importance of setting boundaries with the use of digital platforms.
Another way that can be applied is to create a device-free zone at home, for example in the study room, dining room or bedroom. Creating a device-free zone can distract kids from their devices.
When a child is playing a gadget, parents should accompany him because it can help develop a bond between parents and children.
Encouraging children to do physical activities and creative games is also an effective measure to reduce screen time because apart from being able to train them physically, these activities also have a positive impact on children's cognitive abilities.
"Regularly monitoring the use of digital media in children is important to maintain their welfare. Parents can immediately intervene if they find a problem and stay informed about their child's online activities to protect them from potential harm," said Arvind.