Ahead Of Eid Al-Adha, Starting Tomorrow The Government Will Hold A Simultaneous Cheap Market In 333 Locations

JAKARTA - The government will hold a low-cost market simultaneously at 333 location points spread across the provincial and district/city levels starting Monday, June 26, 2023. This Cheap Food Movement (GPM) is implemented to ensure the availability of food supply and affordability ahead of the Religious and National Holidays (HBKN) Eid al-Adha.

Deputy for Food Availability and Stabilization of the National Food Agency (NFA) I Gusti Ketut Astawa said that during the launch event, Muri's record breaking was carried out for the category of food movements held at more than 300 different implementation points.

"On that date, people around the provinces and implementing districts/cities can get quality basic food needs at affordable prices to meet their daily needs or to prepare for the implementation of Eid al-Adha," he said in an official statement, Sunday, June 24.

The implementation of this Cheap Market will provide various basic foodstuffs at affordable prices or below market prices, such as rice, eggs, chilies, shallots, garlic, chicken meat, beef, sugar, cooking oil, as well as various vegetables and fruits.

"As of June 24, based on data and confirmation that has entered us, 333 implementation locations have been registered, consisting of 37 provinces and 296 regencies/cities. This number can still increase," said Ketut.

Furthermore, Ketut revealed, some regions even scheduled the implementation of GPM for more than one day.

"A number of regions will hold simultaneous GPM ahead of Eid al-Adha for more than one day, including those from June 26 to 28. We urge the public to make the best use of this activity by attending and shopping at the nearest GPM," he explained.

Ketut said to find out the location or address point of its implementation, it can follow information on the official Instagram @badanpannasional or social media of the provincial government, district/city, or the local food affairs office. You can also directly contact the food affairs office in each region.

Meanwhile, NFA Head Arief Prasetyo Adi said this activity was carried out through good cooperation between NFA, related Ministries/Interior Institutions such as the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bank Indonesia, Regional Government through agencies that oversee food affairs, business actors (BUMN, BUMD, and the private sector), as well as associations.

"Every time before HBKN, we always increase the intensity of the implementation of cheap markets or GPMs, because to anticipate a surge in public demand and consumption. This step is in line with the direction of the President who instructed food supplies to meet the needs of the people available, purchasing power to be maintained, and inflation to remain under control," he said.