Waiting For The Bright Spot, The KRL Import Decision Will Be Found Next Week

The polemic regarding the plan to import a former electric rail train (KRL) from Japan will find a bright spot.

The government will soon announce a final decision regarding this import plan no later than next week.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the decision regarding KRL imports would soon be made in a meeting.

The meeting will be attended by related parties as well as the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). As is known, previously BPKP was asked to conduct an audit of this used KRL import plan. The results of the audit have also been issued and submitted to the government.

"I hope this week's meeting is no later than next week," he told reporters written Friday, June 16.

On this occasion, Luhut also emphasized that the decision regarding KRL imports could not be taken arbitrarily. He said the government in making decisions would consider the results of the audit from BPKP.

"I haven't met yet. But earlier on. I stick to the audit results. So you can't feel that feeling if you fall in love, but when you talk about this (KRL imports) we have to audit. From that audit we know what we have to do, "he said.

Inter-ministerial Opinion Cross

The polemic of the plan to import this used KRL has yet to find a common ground. In fact, at the ministerial level there was a disagreement regarding this import plan.

Some think imports are urgent and urgently needed, but some think it is not necessary.

One of the ministers who rejected this plan was the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita. He insisted that imports were not needed. His party has agreed to follow BPKP's recommendations.

He said the decision to refuse imports was not his own decision as Minister of Industry.

However, he said, this decision was also agreed by other ministers because it refers to the BPKP recommendations that must be followed.

This was conveyed by Agus after a working meeting (Raker) with Commission VII DPR, in Gadung DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, on Monday, June 12.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is still trying to import the former electric train (KRL) from Japan.

This is because the production by PT Industri Kereta Api or Inka can only be realized in the next two years.

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir confirmed that the import of used electric rail (KRL) from Japan was carried out only to cover the short-term needs gap.

"Even if there are imports, like maybe what we ask for. Because it only covers what is called a gap from the needs of the next 6 months or 7 months," he said in a meeting with Commission VI of the DPR, written Tuesday, June 6.

Erick said this import was carried out to meet needs while waiting for the production of PT Industri Keteta Api (IKA) to be completed.

The reason, continued Erick, was based on the results of a meeting with INKA and PT KAI, there was passenger growth that exceeded the prediction after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore, said Erick, while waiting for INKA production, the import of used trains from Japan is a quick solution to meet the short-term needs of train users.

For your information, the import of used KRL from Japan is the main choice of PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) to identify 10 train series or trainsets that will retire this year and 19 trainsets in 2024.