Ministry Of Finance Reveals Status Of 9 Employees Related To Odd Transactions: 5 Convicts, 3 Suspects, 1 Witness

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Yustinus Prastowo, clarified the statement by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding 16 Ministry of Finance employees being suspects and convicts in a suspicious transaction case of Rp. 349 trillion.

Prastowo, as he is familiarly called, straightened out that 7 of the 16 people who were suspects and the convicts were not employees of the Ministry of Finance. He emphasized that KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri, in a meeting with Commission III of the DPR, never stated that all of the 16 suspects were employees of the Ministry of Finance.

"In his presentation, the Chairperson of the KPK only mentioned the 33 LHA PPATK list related to the Ministry of Finance and Taxes, and did not state that the 16 people were employees of the Ministry of Finance," said Prastowo in his statement, Friday, June 9.

"So we can explain that of the 16 names, seven of them are not employees of the Ministry of Finance," he continued.

Seven names that are not from the Ministry of Finance are SK suspects (former members of the DPR), NT and SHN (former employees of the Arfak Mountains Regency Public Works Office), AS, AI, RA (tax consultant), and VL (private).

Meanwhile, the other nine suspects are employees or former employees of the Ministry of Finance. They are AP, ES, IP, HS, YD, HDS, YMR, WR, and AS.

"Except Andhi Pramono, the case involving eight employees of the Ministry of Finance has occurred in the period 2004-2019," said Prastowo.

In addition, Prastowo also emphasized that the Ministry of Finance does not compromise and is always committed to preventing and taking action against irregularities.

"The Ministry of Finance is also actively coordinating with law enforcement agencies, including PPATK, KPK, Police, and the Prosecutor's Office to ensure the completion of the follow-up to law enforcement," he said.

"Currently, we are also conducting a measurable, objective, and transparent follow-up and supervised by the TPPU Task Force under the direction of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs," concluded Prastowo.