Clashes Break Out In Ramallah Palestine When Israeli Soldiers Target Houses Of Jerusalem Bomb Attackers

Clashes erupted in the city of Ramallah, the center of Palestinian rule, in the West Bank, when the Israeli military launched a military operation to storm the homes of the perpetrators of the bomb attacks.

An eyewitness said a large military convoy arrived in the center of Ramallah City, making hundreds of Palestinians gather in the area.

Several Palestinian youths threw stones at Israeli troops, who then fired live ammunition, stun grenades and tear gas at the crowd, the witness said. The burned trash can blocked roads and ambulance sirensUSed.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said at least six people were rushed to hospital for treatment, including three people who suffered gunshot wounds.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military said its forces were operating in Ramallah "to destroy the terrorist's residence that carried out a bomb attack in Jerusalem in November".

At that time, twin explosions killed two people, including an Israeli-Canadian teenager and injured at least 14 people. Police said it was a homemade bomb explosion planted at a bus stop near the exit of the city and at a crossroads leading to a settlement.

"The destruction of the homes of the fighters is a collective punishment included in the war crimes committed by the invaders against our people," said Abdel Fattah Dola of the Fatah Party led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Israel says the policy of destroying the homes of the perpetrators is a punishment as well as a precaution for potential attackers.

Hours earlier, US envoy to Palestine Hady Amr met with senior Palestinian official Hussein Al-Sheikh.

It is known that violence in the West Bank, one of the areas where Palestinians want independence, has increased over the past year. Israel has intensified its military offensive amid a spate of street attacks carried out by Palestinians in these cities.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said at least 158 Palestinians had been killed by Israelis since January. Meanwhile, Israel's Foreign Ministry said 20 Israelis and two foreign nationals had been killed in Palestinian attacks in the same period.