ASEAN Para Games 2023: Ganyang Malaysia, Badminton Team Presents First Gold Medal For Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Indonesian contingent finally won the first gold medal at the 2023 ASEAN Para Games. The medal was presented by a para-badminton team from the men's team number. Even though they were left behind, the Indonesian men's team could beat Malaysia with a score of 2-1 at the Badminton Hall of the Morodok Techo National Stadium, Phnom Phen, Saturday, June 3. In the final match, Fredy Setiawan, who appeared as the first single, received fierce resistance from Malaysian representatives Mohamad Amin.

The two of them also chased each other points and the match had to be completed in three games which ended in wins for Malaysia's singles 19-21, 21-19, 21-18. Indonesia can equalize through the men's doubles pair Hafizh Briliantasyah Prawiranegara/Hari Susanto who won two straight games over the Malaysian pair Muhamad Jaafar and Muhammad Anuar with 21-12, 21-16.

In the second single match, Dheva Anrimusthi managed to secure Indonesia's first gold medal in APG 2023 after beating Amyrul Yazid 21-13, 21-8. Previously, in the semifinals, Indonesia won 2-0 over Vietnam. Men's singles athlete Fredy Setiawan won two straight games over Poloong Loc with 21-5, 21-3. Meanwhile, Men's Doubles Fredy Setiawan/Suryo Nugroho also won two games over Vietnam's doubles Nguyen van Thuong/Pham Van Toi with 21-18, 18-8. Indonesian contingents with 268 athletes will struggle to meet the target of 121 gold, 94 silver and 84 bronze medals by participating in 12 sports. A total of 12 sports are para-athletic, para-badminton, para-table tennis, para-swimming, para-volume of the visually impaired, para-twisted, sitting volleyball, cp, boccia football, wheelchair basketball, and goalball.