Police Arrest Perpetrators Of Beatings In Karanganyar Which Had Viral On Social Media
The case of armed beatings in Jaten, Karanganyar, which was viral, was successfully uncovered by the Karanganyar Police Criminal Investigation Unit together with the Jaten Police. Four perpetrators of crimes who ganged up on the victim using sharp weapons of the type of sword, comb machetes and iron gir were arrested by officers.
The four perpetrators of violent crimes with sharp weapons include Gorilla Cikara Levi (20) Wildan Pandu Pradana (18), Aldebaran Putra Nugraha (18) and Ardhetyas Ardhata (18). All of them are residents of Klaten Regency.
Karanganyar Police Chief AKBP Jerrold Hendra Kumontoy, conveyed that the arrests of the four perpetrators were carried out shortly after they carried out their actions on Sunday, May 21, at 04.00 WIB, on Jalan Solo Sragen Km.7 Ngringo Village, Jaten District.
The victim is known to be Bima Aditya Candra (23), a resident of Mojosongo Village, suffered injuries all over his body as a result of being mistreated by the perpetrators using sharp weapons.
The incident started with two groups making fun of each other on social media, namely Twitter, between the Raharja group from Sragen and the Gaza group from Klaten. From the ridicule, the group from Klaten was about 15 vehicles, intending to find the Raharja group directly to Sragen. Arriving at Sragen they did not meet the target, and they returned home. However, when they crossed the scene of the incident (TKP), the group met with a group of victims, the police chief explained in a written statement received, Thursday, May 31.
The perpetrator and his entourage saw the victim together with a number of friends driving from Solo to Sragen. Because they passed by, the group of perpetrators was offended by the group of victims.
The perpetrators finally returned and gave chase to the victim. Because the victim was kicked and fell from the vehicle, the perpetrator together abused the victim by slashing a sharp weapon on the victim's body until the victim suffered injuries to the victim's two legs and right hand.
After the victim fell down with injuries, the perpetrators then continued their journey to return to Klaten.
"Two days after the police report came out, the results of the investigation and investigation, the team managed to secure the perpetrators. A number of evidences, namely two sharp machetes, three perpetrators' motorbikes used during the action, have been secured," continued the Police Chief.
The perpetrators were rewarded with Article 170 of the Criminal Code concerning criminal acts of violence against people or goods with the threat of a maximum sentence of seven years in prison.