Wearing Orange Clothes With Ties Cable Tied Hands, Mario Dandy And Shane Lukas Are Sure To Be Healthy Before Being Handed Over To The Prosecutor's Office
JAKARTA - The Metro Jaya Police for Medicine and Health (Biddokes) said two suspects in the case of mistreatment of David Ozora (17), namely Mario Dandy Satriyo (20) and Shane Lukas (19) were in good health.
"Earlier, the Dokkes team had carried out a health check. Both of them were in good health and there was nothing that became an obstacle for further implementation," said Head of the Jakarta Metro Police Dokkes (Head of Health) Kombes Hery Wijatmoko as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.
However, Hery did not explain what the Jakarta Police Dokkes team carried out on the two suspects.
Mario and Shane arrived at Biddokkes Polda Metro Jaya from the Polda Metro Jaya Detention Center for a medical examination at 13:41 WIB and finished at 14.00 WIB.
The health checks were carried out before the two were handed over to the South Jakarta District Attorney (Kejari).
"After Friday prayers for the last health check before we leave it to the Prosecutor's Office. We will go to Dokkes first," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Youth, Children and Women (Kasub-Directorate of Renakta) at the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Rohman Yongky, Friday.
Yongki said the health check was needed to determine the current condition of the two suspects whether they were in good health and health.
"Although we have checked regularly before, it is still our responsibility," he said.