Wamenparekraf Calls Travel Fair And Event A Magnet For Tourists
Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Wamenparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo officially opened #DiIndonesiaAja Travel Fair (DIATF) 2023 as the implementation of the Proud Travel program in Indonesia (BBWI) which has a target of 1.2-1.4 billion trips, this year.
Travel fair, which is held in Indonesia, is not only a driving force for tourism and the creative economy (parekraf), but is also able to encourage tourist interest in traveling.
DIATF itself offers various attractive promos, ranging from discounts to cashbacks for plane tickets, hotels to tour packages and events.
Wamenparekraf Angela Tanoesoedibjo said tourism exhibitions had a broad impact on the side of providing convenience to tourists while at the same time expected to increase public interest and awareness to travel domestically.
"Events are an extraordinary magnet for people to come to a destination for the first time. Because, often for people who explore new destinations it is difficult, there must be special interest, there must be special effort and this event can attract tourists to visit," he said through his official statement, quoted Monday, May 22.
Angela is even optimistic that the movement of domestic tourists (wisnus) can achieve the target, this year. Because, reflecting on the high movement of people in the 2023 Lebaran homecoming which is relatively high after the pandemic.
"How can we equalize tourists not only to popular destinations, starting from five super priority destinations. Therefore, I hope that #DiIndonesiaAja Travel Fair 2023 can revive Indonesian tourism," he concluded.
For your information, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) support the 2023 AIATF event carried out by the Indonesian Travel Agent or Astindo and In Journey, in collaboration with GIPI.
The event was held at the Grand Atrium, Kota Kasablanka Mall, South Jakarta, on 19-21 May 2023.