Sumatran Tiger Trapped In Pig Trap Can't Be Rescued Buried At West Sumatra BKSDA Office
SUMBAR - A tiger of the type Panthera Tigris Sumatrae caught in a pig snare in Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) could not be saved.
Head of the Daily Conservation Section of the West Sumatra BKSDA Region I, Rusdiyan P. Ritonga, said the Sumatran tiger died on Tuesday, May 16 at around 11.50 WIB.
"The Sumatran tiger experienced death and its carcass was secured to the Lubuk Attitude Police," he said in Lubukbasung, West Sumatra, Tuesday, May 16, which was confiscated by Antara. He said, the medical team from the Kinantan Animal and Cultural Wildlife Park (TMSBK) Bukittinggi carried out the initial identification of the cause of animal death accompanied by Law Number 5 of 1990 calmly Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems. After identification, the initial stage of the examination would be continued by necropsy or carcass surgery at the Padang Animal Hospital. "This is in accordance with standard operating procedures in handling wildlife death and carcasses, we will bury it at the West Sumatra BKSDA office," he said. He added, the animal was known to be entangled in the land of one of the residents on behalf of Munawar (52) when he went to the garden and saw a Sumatran tiger entangled. He immediately reported it to the Lubuk Attitude Police. Kapolsek Lubuk Attitude reported the findings to the call center of the West Sumatra BKSDA. Obtaining that information, BKSDA immediately dispatched the Animal Rescue Team of the West Sumatra BKSDA, Natural Resources Conservation Resort (KSDA) Panti. "The result of the inspection in the field was found that the Sumatera tiger was entangled in a pig belonging to the residents. This tiger was from the Suaka Marga Malampahi Alahan Panjang, because the area was closest to the location," he said.Rusdian appealed to residents to be selective in installing snares in the garden, so as not to injure protected wildlife. The West Sumatra BKSDA will carry out patrols in carrying out other individuals and carry out the cleaning of snares at the location. "I urge the community by following what officers in the field can be obeyed, because with the usual age there are still other animals," he said. Meanwhile, Doctor TMSBK Bukittinggi, Drh Yoli Zulfanedi said Sumatera tigers with sex of sex less than two years or still a teenager.
The death of the animal due to respiratory failure was marked by mukosa or tongue that was blue or sinosis. The possibility of being entangled resulted in respiratory failure and added hot temperature. But they do not know if there is a snare on the neck, because the tiger is already in the Lubuk Attitude Police Chief. "To ensure that death is examined at the Padang Animal Hospital," he said. Lubuk Police Chief Attitude Iptu Yufrizal said the carcass was taken to the Lubuk Attitude Police Headquarters after it was found dead. "This is to secure considering that this animal is protected by law," he said.