Ineffective In The Anies Era, The DKI Provincial Government Added 200 Infiltration Wells In South Jakarta

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government plans to add 200 vertical drainage-type infiltration wells in the South Jakarta area. Head of the South Jakarta Water Resources Sub-dept., Santo, said that each sub-district will build 10 infiltration wells each.

"We have distributed 200 vertical drainage points in 10 South Jakarta sub-districts. The first location is in Kebayoran Lama. God willing, in 2 months we have been able to realize (200) vertical drainage," said Santo when contacted, Tuesday, May 16.

The exact location of the construction of infiltration wells, said Santo, is still being mapped by the ranks of the South Jakarta SDA Sub-dept. The target is that the work will begin next week.

"Later, I will ask the Kastpel for urgent locations or those that are prone to puddles, that's what we prioritize," said Santo.

There is a reason why the DKI Provincial Government added the number of vertical drainage points in South Jakarta. It turns out that the infiltration wells that have been built in the Anies Baswedan era during his tenure as Governor of DKI were not very effective in controlling the impact of inundation.

"Yes, the initial (infiltration well) was only three meters deep. If the three meters were less absorption because they did not reach the ground and sand," he said.

Furthermore, Santo explained, this vertical drainage has a depth of about 20 to 25 meters per unit. The construction of this vertical drainage begins with excavation of the ground up to a depth of three meters.

"Then fitted with a concrete buis with a diameter of one meter. The next stage is the ground drilled about 20 meters deep by planting a pipe of 4 inches. This new model of Vertical drainage is carried out so that flood management and inundation can be maximized," he explained.

For information, the DKI Provincial Government continues to build infiltration wells with a budget of IDR 1 billion allocated from the APBD in 2023. So far, the realization of the construction of infiltration wells is still far from the target.