6 Aspects Of Self Disclosure That Affect Communication Intimacy In Relationships

YOGYAKARTA Self-expression is a communication aspect that deliberately shares personal information about oneself with those closest to us, or others. Simply put, by revealing ourselves we allow others to access our secrets or know who we really are.

Communication is a way for people to express something, including about themselves. In psychology, self-disclosure is called self-disclosure, it is intentional to express something including belief, thoughts, feelings, experiences, hopes, or dreams. This self-disclosure will not be known to others if you don't share it. In self-exclosure, launching Psychology Today, Monday, May 15, has the following six aspects.

1. Accessibility

Others don't know you without getting access from you. The more difficult you are to provide access, the more difficult it is for others, even those closest to you to get information about you.

This value aspect applies to you and those who listen to self-disclosure. The size is positive and negative, meaning that it is positive for you or your listeners to express themselves.

Many people only tell stories about general experiences that are not deep. Only the surface because it restricts oneself or closes others to recognize you more deeply. The more informative the self-expression, the wider, deeper, and intimate in revealing information about yourself.

This fourth aspect is about the truth of self-expression. Is self-expression true or is it just a surface introduction.

Furthermore, the aspect of social norms related to how much of the disclosure obeys or goes against what the wider community can accept.

The sixth aspect of self-expression relates to how much disclosure helps listeners achieve their goals. Such as to build intimacy, connection, or understanding.

The above aspects, followed by the intensity and frequency of personal details disclosure, form the type of relationship we have with the people in our lives. For example, self-expression for a partner will certainly be different from revealing oneself to colleagues or other communities.

Tchiki Davis, Ph.D., authors, consultants, and experts in well-being, said that self-exclosure has benefits. Namely to form close and intimate social relationships. The reason is because people prefer someone who is more open, more information, and a harmonious relationship. The benefits of revealing themselves or self-disclosure, in addition to establishing interpersonal relationships, are also beneficial internally or mentally health. For example, self-expression can help us achieve feelings of catalyst, topic clarification, and increased social support.

Well, there are also bad effects if you cover yourself too much. Without self-disclosure, it can trigger stress for the body, damage immunity, maybe even cause disease.