DPR Ready To Discuss Asset Confiscation Bill With Research
Member of Commission III of the DPR, Wihadi Wiyanto, said that his party was ready to discuss the Draft Law (RUU) on the Confiscation of Criminal Assets carefully after the Presidential Letter (Surpres) was received by the DPR on Thursday (4/5).
"We are ready for what the government has given in the form of a Surpres and we will discuss everything carefully," said Wihadi as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 9.
He said his party would study carefully because factions in parliament would submit a List of Problem Inventory (DIM) related to the bill.
In addition, said Wihadi, his party will listen to input from experts and various other parties in studying and discussing the draft Bill on the Confiscation of Criminal Assets and their academic texts which will soon be sent by the government.
"Because we see that this is a law that does require a lot of input from experts and various parties because this concerns something new," he said.
Wihadi said he was waiting for the results of the DPR Deliberative Body (Bamus) meeting to determine the equipment for the council (AKD) which would discuss the Bill on the Confiscation of Criminal Assets with the government.
"Later, of course, it will be decided together in the Bamus," he said.
Previously, Monday (8/5), the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the DPR, Indra Iskandar, said that the Surpres Bill on the Confiscation of Criminal Assets had been received by the DPR on Thursday (4/5).
"Yes, that's right, the DPR has received the Surpres on May 4," said Indra in a statement received in Jakarta.
As for Tuesday (2/5), Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Syarif Hiariej revealed that the draft Asset Confiscation Law would be submitted to the Indonesian House of Representatives on May 16, 2023, after the DPR's recess ended.
"It is planned that when it enters the trial period on May 16, it will be submitted to the DPR," said Eddy, the nickname of the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights.