APPMI Worried That The Fast Fashion Industry Will Damage The Environment
JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Indonesian Fashion Designers and Entrepreneurs Association (APPMI) Poppy Dharsono is worried that fast fashion or the fast fashion industry can damage the environment.
Merek-merek (fast fashion industry) is actually destroying (environment)," said Poppy Dharsono quoting Antara. Fast mode industries are industries in the clothing sector that move very fast, with massive production and new collections that are ready to launch every week, then sell at relatively low prices. Usually, the fast fashion industry uses non-environmental materials and has the potential to damage the environment because when they are disposed of, these materials cannot be reused.
In addition to damaging the environment, the fast fashion industry also competes with brands that carry the concept of sustainability fashion, sustainable fashion, especially local products. Most local Indonesian products still use environmentally friendly materials, such as recycled materials and natural ingredients.
For example, some companies in the fast fashion industry will employ young workers, even minors, with few salaries. In addition, the workload provided is quite heavy and of course can have an impact on the health and welfare of workers. Unfriendly materials in the fast fashion industry can damage the environment. If these materials are not processed properly, it can produce waste that can pollute the environment.
Some materials that are not environmentally friendly are usually in the form of clothing dyes, polyester ingredients in clothing, or other materials that if thrown away can cause environmental problems. Poppy also suggested that people be wiser in choosing clothes, especially brands with the concept of sustainable fashion. He also gave an example of the products displayed in the Ramadan Runaway 2023 by local designers carrying similar concepts and made with hands. He assessed that by buying local products made by hand, the community can contribute to the economy in Indonesia and help local entrepreneurs. In addition, the community participates in reducing the impact of environmental pollution due to the concept of the fast fashion industry.