8 Men's Habits That Exacerbated Health Reproduction

YOGYAKARTA Penis and male reproductive system need to maintain their health by getting used to good habits. But without realizing it, many men commit bad habits that appear to be associated with reproductive health. Here are habits that you need to change so as not to interfere with the duration of your erection, fertility, and other reproductive health.

Men who exercise better have erectile and other sexual functions, according to research from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. The results of this study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, show that men who exercise more often, equivalent to 2 hours of severe body to 6 hours of moderate exercise, report having a higher sexual function score.

A study from the British Journal of Urology, smoking too much can cause erectile dysfunction. Another study reported by the Men's Journal, Thursday, April 27, sperm develops badly when exposed to high nicotine and tends to fail to fertilize egg cells.

Research analysis reports that men who have sex less than once a week have the potential to have erectile dysfunction. But if you really don't find the right time with your partner, you can make a routine agreement on sexual activity with your partner to minimize the bad risk of reproductive health.

Men who lack sleep will experience lower degrees of desire the next day and lower reproductive abilities. This is attributed to fatigue, poor concentration levels, and decreased bone and muscle density. Research from the University of Chicago, sleep less than five hours every night for a week or longer makes testosterone levels much lower.

Known for junk food or garbage food, it turns out to affect reproductive health. You need to avoid consuming fried foods, processed foods, cakes, chips to maintain the quality of the Sprema. Do a healthy diet, such as consuming lots of whole grains, vegetables, and fish, for reproductive health.

Secretary lifestyles trigger a lot of problems. For that, you need to set screen time, watch television, and move more. If too much rest, it turns out to reduce sperm quality.

At first glance, it may not be related, but according to research published in the Journal of Periodontology, gum disease occurs seven times more frequently in men with erectile dysfunction. Bacterials in gum tissue can actually spread throughout the body and cause inflammation and damage blood vessels in the penis. So, it is important to regularly rub teeth and float and check teeth regularly.

A team of researchers from Texas Center for Health found that 42 percent of men drinking between 2-3 cups of coffee did not report an erectile dysfunction. The study proves that caffeine helps relax the arteries and innocent muscles in the penis so that blood flow increases.

Are there any of the eight habits that worsen the reproductive health of men above that you often do? Although everyone has a varied body response, it is important for you to anticipate not to experience erectile dysfunction, infertility, and decreased sexual function.